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Oom who escaped apartheid with his coloured wife and settled in Canada loses her years later to breast cancer.

He retires, and then decides to start dating again with hilarious results.

He takes readers from one dating encounter to the next with vivid portrayals of colourful and humorous characters - ladies with small dogs, those with large ones. A woman with her muscle car, and another with a donkey. You will learn about the difference between a meeting and a proper date, and discover one woman's date rules that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

He recalls his childhood in Cape Town with stories of true-life characters that are used to compliment those of his  encounters on the online dating scene.

The light-hearted and humorous episodes are brilliantly counterbalanced with more poignant, moving memories and incidents that leave the reader with a feeling of deep emotion, and sometimes sorrow.

This is the funniest book as well as the most touching you will read this year.

Perhaps this decade!









Journey with the author as he traverses continents from Cape Town to Canada & beyond, sharing the trials and triumphs of emigrating and integrating into a new country.


This  delightful account provides pointed and meaningful insights into places and people, their unique personalities and paradoxical quirks.


With just the right counter-balancing of the bizarre and the hilarious, this autobiographical travelogue will take you places not imagined before, and have you re-examining your own roots and cultural complexities.


Laugh and cry at every turn...








Jace, middle aged, and successful as a financial broker and trader, finds himself at a turning point when his wife dies of breast cancer.

Having recently retired, Jace finds that life presents him with challenges never before imagined – his aging mother, suffering from dementia, requires attention and, without his wife by his side to stand in for him, he finds the double bind of loving his mother Cecille, and resenting her for her lack of parenting almost unbearable.

Jace enters therapy in order to deal with these issues, and emotions long since buried in the distant memories of fighting in the Border war in Southern Africa find their way to the surface. In having to deal with his mother’s relocation into frail care he recalls his incarceration in boarding school – his memories of both happy and brutal times in the sixties are movingly portrayed throughout the book.

Where The Light Is is a compelling read – the journey of a man seeking meaning amidst his own personal anger and memories; this, along with his need for intimacy, seldom seen from a man’s point of view, is beautifully portrayed in a novel that will make you cry. And laugh out loud.














Martin’s father, killed in a tragic motor vehicle accident that has left Martin paralyzed, buried a box in their garden before he died. Martin retrieves it, but then keeps it a secret – too frightened to open it – until one fateful night …

He then finds he can suddenly walk when lured through a portal into the world of Tantalis – not the ordinary fantasy world of cute trolls and beautiful fairies that Martin read about as a small boy, but a world that is parallel to and indivisible from his own; one he is expected to play a vital part in saving. He comes close to losing his life when the evil Inkwish leader, Diablo, learns of his presence, and also finds himself torn between loyalty to his best friend Dominika and Queen Fara.

Martin learns the truth about dragon flight, and that one ancient legend on Earth might not simply be a story told through the ages, but is in fact
a reality that reaches out to demand the utmost of him … and almost kill him.

Any Narnia fan would find The Key To Tantalis a gripping read.


When ordering The Key To Tantalis, please note that the book with the cover featured on this site is much less expensive that an older edition not any more recognised by the author.